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Wednesday 24 October 2012

The Taj - A Magnificent Tribute to Love

Knowing history and exploring the ancient lifestyle can give a nerve tickling experience. It gives us the knowledge of the period and age bygone and visiting historical places is the way out to increment these feelings within you. Of all the historical places to visit in India the Taj Mahal at Agra is truly the most impressive one. The Taj Mahal was constructed in its elegant make over by the Mughal ruler Shahjahan in the mid historical period around 16th century AD. It is a tribute to his love for his wife Mumtaj Mahal. It stands on the right bank of the river Yamuna at Agra and is the mausoleum of Mumtaj Mahal to be particular. Shah Jahan not only showcased his enormous wealth and power to the world by constructing the Taj Mahal but rather established his love for his wife Mumtaj as immortal in the form of the taj.It is built of pure white marble structure and looks magnificent on a full moon night.  The Taj Mahal has been designated as one of the Seven Wonders of the World by UNESCO. The gate of the building is tapering very high and is beautifully made of red stone called the Buland Darwaja.

 The Special Taj Mahal Tour in India manifests the manifold expertise of the mughal ruler who must have selected the most talented architects to construct such a wondrous tomb. It was a white building made of white marble with corridcors made of marble slabs.  The taj mahal is surrounded by   fountain or lake and lawns and trees on both the sides.There are verses from Quran written in black mosaic at the three sides of the gate manifesting the Muslim dominion of the structure. It is really a great work of art and a incredible tomb that promises the finest one of all Tours of India.The tajmahal tour of India has the potential to make a deep impression on the mind of those seeking real fruitful experience of Tours of India.The Taj Mahal Tour is a part of all the package. formulated for the Golden Triangle Tour. We At VTS have designed a tour of the Golden Triangle with an addition advantage of the sightseeing of the famous Khajuraho temples in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
He Khajuraho Group of Monuments is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India and has been listed as a UNESCO and is considered to be one of the seven wonders of India.The city of khajuraho was the cultural capital a Hindu candela dynasty that ruled this part of India from the 10-12th centuries. They built the Khajuraho temples over a span of 200 years, from 950 to 1150.The Devi Jaga dambi Temple, Dulhadeo Temple, saraswati temple are some famous khajuraho temples erected by using sandstone without any mortar, a characteristic and unique feature of khajuraho temples.This architectural wonder is sure to give a mind boggling experience to any one out on the Golden Triangle Khajuraho Tour. The most recreational tour of the Golden Triangle Khajuraho Tour can be availed by opting for the VTS tourism services. WE aim to give you the most splendid and memorable touring experiences

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